A simple blueprint and the building blocks to start a volunteer-fueled technology assistance program.

Many organizations want to help older adults participate in virtual Zoom events and don’t know where to start. The instructions and downloadable templates on this website can help any community group serving seniors to launch a technology assistance program powered by volunteers.

Just 3 easy steps :)

  • STEP 1 - Recruit Volunteers

    Tech Tutor volunteers explain technology over the phone to help new users become familiar with the basics of using a personal device to join Zoom-based events.

  • STEP 2 - Identify Learners

    Who needs support learning how to join a Zoom meeting or webinar? Do older adult clients know how to access the technical assistance your organization is providing?

  • STEP 3 - Organize Support

    With a roster of Tech Tutors and a list of learners, it’s time to establish which volunteer will connect with each senior, when to schedule the call, and if it was successful.


Identify someone on staff to be accountable for program coordination and execution.

Responsibilities include:

  • grow a qualified group of volunteer Tech Tutors

  • establish who requires help with joining a Zoom event

  • organize and connect volunteers with learners

  • communicate well and follow-up quickly

  • gather insight on program demand and the status of volunteer resources constantly